Friday 7th June 2024

Forest of Dean     At Nagshead this afternoon, a Pied Wagtail, a Redstart, a Pied Flycatcher, a Buzzard, a Jay, a Robin family, a Spotted Flycatcher family, a Wren, two Blackcaps and adult and juvenile Hawfinch. (Eden Tanner).

Hawfinch adult by Eden Tanner

Hawfinch juvenile by Eden Tanner

Spotted Flycatcher by Eden Tanner

WWT Slimbridge     The male WHITE-SPOTTED BLUETHROAT singing at Middle Point again today. (Tim Jukes). Two Red Kites and a Hobby over the Rushy. (Tim McGrath).

Frampton pools     A Hobby, a Peregrine, seven Common Terns, 50+ Swifts, 20+ Sand Martins, a few House Martins and Swallows, a Cuckoo, a Lesser Whitethroat, a Whitethroat with young, a Song Thrush collecting food for young and a Mistle Thrush with a second brood. (Nick Goatman).

Saul Warth     At high tide 11 Curlews, a Redshank, four Oystercatchers, five Lapwings, three Little Egrets, 38 adult Shelducks and 26 ducklings, a Cuckoo, a Lesser Whitethroat and 10+ Swifts. (MK).

Staverton     Three Red Kites circling a field at Hayden this morning. (Owen Follis).

Maisemore     At Leadon Meadows, Persh Farm 14 Mute Swans, eight adult Shelducks and three ducklings, c50 Mallards with several broods of ducklings, eight Little Egrets, two Grey Herons, c20 Coots, several with families of small chicks, 25 Black-headed Gulls, c30 House Martins and 20 Sand Martins, two Mistle Thrushes and song from Skylark, Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat. (Mike Smart).

About The Gloster Birder

My name is Mike King and have lived all my life in Gloucestershire. I am happiest birding around Frampton but I especially love Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. I have birded all over Europe, in the U.S.A. and Canada, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Costa Rica, Belize, Mexico, Dominican Republic, The Gambia, Cape Verde, South Africa and most recently Zimbabwe and Botswana.
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