Tuesday 11th June 2024

WWT Slimbridge     The male WHITE-SPOTTED BLUETHROAT at Middle Point again today. Also a Green Sandpiper on the Tack Piece and a young Yellow Wagtail on the Summer Walkway. (Geoff Fawcett). A female Shoveler with a brood of least seven ducklings from Martin Smith hide. (Martin McGill).

Forest of Dean     At Nagshead today birds included a Pied Wagtail, Pied Flycatchers, a Spotted Flycatcher, a Jay, four Treecreepers, two Blackcaps, three Siskins, four Goldfinches, a Goldcrest and an adult Hawfinch feeding a juvenile. (Eden Tanner).

Hawfinches by Eden Tanner

Siskin by Eden Tanner

Pied Flycatcher by Eden Tanner

Ashleworth Ham     Birds caught in a ringing session today included an adult Redstart, a Sedge Warbler, seven Whitethroats, five Chiffchaffs, 16 Long-tailed Tits and three Reed Buntings. On the reserve at least six Greylags and two goslings, a Canada Goose, 170 Mallards, a Grey Heron, a Great White Egret, a Sparrowhawk, a Buzzard, a Cuckoo singing, ten House Martins, a male Yellow Wagtail, at least five Skylarks, three Sedge Warblers, five Whitethroats, a Willow Warbler, a Raven and at least five Reed Buntings. (Mervyn Greening/Mike Smart).

Coombe Hill Meadows    This evening until dusk ten Mute Swans, four Gadwalls, four Teal, c50 Mallards, a pair of Shovelers, a Great White Egret, a Grey Heron, a Cormorant, ten Coots and five chicks on canal, a Water Rail squealing, an Oystercatcher, five Avocets, three Ringed Plovers, two Little Ringed Plovers, 10+ Lapwings and a female with two tiny chicks just off reserve, six Curlews, a Cuckoo singing, a Yellow Wagtail carrying food and a Reed Warbler singing. (Mike Smart).

Whitminster     Along the canal near Fromebridge mid afternoon four Cetti’s Warblers, three Blackcaps, two Whitethroats, 20+ House Martins, 6+ Swallows and eight Swifts. (Paul Sutton).

Blackcap by Paul Sutton

Framilode     A Shelduck took nine chicks downstream from Epney, past Framilode and then kept going. (Paul Sutton).

About The Gloster Birder

My name is Mike King and have lived all my life in Gloucestershire. I am happiest birding around Frampton but I especially love Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. I have birded all over Europe, in the U.S.A. and Canada, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Costa Rica, Belize, Mexico, Dominican Republic, The Gambia, Cape Verde, South Africa and most recently Zimbabwe and Botswana.
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