Sunday 23rd June 2024

WWT Slimbridge     The male WHITE-SPOTTED BLUETHROAT singing at Middle Point again today and showing well. (Neil Smart/Martin Price).

Hasfield Ham     Early morning two reeling Grasshopper Warblers, one directly beneath pylon cables on the field boundary and another to the left of the lane heading to the river by fallen trees. (Jeremy Holland).

Saul Warth     At high tide 27 Avocets, 44 Curlews, 12 Oystercatchers, a Lapwing, five Ringed Plovers, 143 Shelducks, 112 adults and 31 ducklings, ten Great Black-backed Gulls, three Grey Herons, three Little Egrets and a male Marsh Harrier hunting the Warth, then flew over to Awre. (MK).

Nailsworth     A Hobby hawking for insects over the house at Walkley Wood at 1:30pm today. (Jon Haw).

Cam     A Dipper on the River Cam between Cam and Dursley this morning. (Mike Davis).

Daneway Banks     A Tree Pipit and a Redstart both singing, a vocal Red Kite, a Jay and around the immediate area Ravens and Green Woodpeckers heard several times. A Corn Bunting singing along the footpath to the N of the reserve. Also in the area a Fox, a Roe Deer and a Fallow Deer. Two Large Blue butterflies on the wing today. Also small numbers of Meadow Browns, Marbled Whites and Ringlets. (Steve Brown).

Cowley     A Red Kite today near Cockleford. (Steve Brown).

Leckhampton     Three Swifts over Fairfield Walk and a Green Woodpecker heard distant towards Pilley Bridge. (Steve Brown).

Winchcombe     Four Swifts screaming overhead, and two juvenile Goldcrests in the garden this evening. (Andrew Worthington). 40 Swifts recorded in the town on a survey this evening. Also a Sparrowhawk present. (John Kime).

About The Gloster Birder

My name is Mike King and have lived all my life in Gloucestershire. I am happiest birding around Frampton but I especially love Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. I have birded all over Europe, in the U.S.A. and Canada, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Costa Rica, Belize, Mexico, Dominican Republic, The Gambia, Cape Verde, South Africa and most recently Zimbabwe and Botswana.
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