Saturday 29th June 2024

WWT Slimbridge     The male WHITE-SPOTTED BLUETHROAT still at Middle Point today ranging as far as the Dumbles cross fence. (Jeanne Vitkovskis).

Hasfield Ham     This morning a reeling Grasshopper Warbler near to where the path forks. A QUAIL called once. Also heard a Yellow Wagtail, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler and two Sedge Warblers and at least 20 Whitethroat, many juveniles. (David Lawrence).

Sherborne     A QUAIL calling, at noon just off the A40 at Sherborne. (Duncan Dine).

Stinchcombe     On the golf course two Spotted Flycatchers below the car park on the south side of the hill this afternoon. (Brian Kings).

Forest of Dean     A Garden Warbler singing strongly at the top of May Hill this morning. (Rob & Gillian Guest).

Winchcombe     Male and female Siskins, a male Great Spotted Woodpecker, at least four Long-tailed Tits, two Goldfinches, 5+ Swifts circling overhead and a Sparrowhawk low over the garden. (Gill Worthington).

Aylburton/Plusterwine/Alvington     Birds this morning included seven Swallows, 12 Curlews, two Oystercatchers, seven Shelducks, two Reed Warblers, three Blackcaps (2m, 1f), three Linnets, eight Swifts, an immature Buzzard, a Kestrel, 4+ Skylarks, a Reed Bunting, nine Goldfinches, two Moorhens, a Whitethroat and a Chiffchaff heard. (John Meadows).

About The Gloster Birder

My name is Mike King and have lived all my life in Gloucestershire. I am happiest birding around Frampton but I especially love Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. I have birded all over Europe, in the U.S.A. and Canada, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Costa Rica, Belize, Mexico, Dominican Republic, The Gambia, Cape Verde, South Africa and most recently Zimbabwe and Botswana.
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